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Server-side paging/filtering/sorting using HTTP POST

Is there a way to do an HTTP POST as the data source request type when binding data to the grid? The reason is that there will be cases in our application's usage in which the filters will be a very large collection of OR statements and this will be much too large to fit into a URL query string.

I was wanting something like the following:

var dataSource = new $.ig.RemoteDataSource({

dataSource: "/api/GetList"

type: "json",

requestType: "POST"


I have used Telerik's Kendo controls in the past and they seem to support this type of request, but using the Ignite UI controls, I receive an HTTP 405 (method not allowed) error. I still want to use the build in server-side paging/sorting/filtering features, but using HTTP POST so performing the call using AJAX would add too much complexity.

  • 23953
    Offline posted

    Hello Brian,

    The Ignite UI controls (for example: igDataSource/igGrid/igHierarchicalGrid) support configuring the type of the request. They also support oData, so it should be possible to configure them to page, sort and filter if your data source is oData enabled.

    Based on your information I cannot make any assumptions on what is causing the problem. Can you provide more information (or sample) about your grid configuration as well as your server endpoint.

    P.S.: Your code is valid (except for the missing comma in the 2 line) and should work as expected.

    Thank you in advance,

    Martin Pavlov
    Infragistics, Inc.

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