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Web API binding to lowerCamelCase serialized properties


I'm using the sample from the Web API binding section to get a grid going (using the MVC helper). I noticed that using something like column.For(x => x.Number) generates a column key on the client side of 'Number'. The problem is I have Web API 2 configured to use lowerCamelCase not UpperCamelCase which is very common because that's what users expect in JavaScript user space.

So the JSON object is {'number': 234} but the javascript that is generated uses 'Number'.

Is it possible to configure it to generate the column keys in a lowerCamelCase mode or to tell the grid to normalize the key names to before comparing for the binding process?

Thanks, Mike

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    I am still following  this. Have you been able to submit your product idea?
    If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact me, I will be glad to help you.
    Thank you for choosing Infragistics components!

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