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Problems with Editors


We have a few Problems with editors in current Version of IgniteUi.

1. Datepicker

For example:
@Html.Infragistics().DatePickerFor(m => m.Birthdate).Render()

  • Why do we have to call ".Value(Model.Birthdate)"? All standard "@Html" controls do this by compiling and invoking the given expression.
  • If we delete the date from text input, and then clicking outside of Datepicker, we get an required error message from validator. The Birthdate is explicitly not required and there is also no required attribute in that Model. Should we write ".ValidatorOptions(m=>m.Required(false))" for each Datepicker control? This is not realy what we want to do.
  • The Datepicker requires currently this call for a standard situation:
      @Html.Infragistics().DatePickerFor(m => m.Birthdate).Value(Model.Birthdate).ValidatorOptions(m=>m.Required(false)).Render()
    I think, this is to much boilerplate.

2. All Editors

All Editors rendered via "@Html.Infragistics()" are generating a hidden field. Thats ok, but did you ever think about Labels? The standard behavior for Labels is simply not working when the Propertyname is set as name for the generated hidden field.

3. Documentation

Please provide a better documentation for MVC Controls, like you did it for pure javascript.

Greetings from Germany

Carsten Wentz