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Stacked Column with Parent series level data sources not showing bars unless parent series has a specific name

Hello Infragistics,

            I am trying to plot different data sets which is necessitating the use of series level datasources: I seem to have ran across a bug in the behavior of the chart as it is not displaying the bars when I set the datasource at series level; it does work if I set the datasource at the chart level but that does not meet my needs. Interestingly by modifying the values to be charted I can see it is setting the chart limits but not drawing the bars.

Finally and most maddeningly I actually can get the stacked series to show up if I give the parent series a specific name, in the fiddle for example the name "stackedColumn"  seems to work while "Robert" fails; in my actual project the name "stackedColumn" does not seem to work but another string that is passed in as an argument (but I don't seem to be able to use just any string, and it doesn't work in the fiddle )


        Andrew Bednarski