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TextEditorFor Incorrect ID generated for nested model, uses "." in JS and "_" in HTML

I have a model like the following

public class MyModel {

  public Customer Customer {get;set;}


public Customer {

   public string Name {get;set;}


I then create a view with the and use @Html.EditorFor(m => m.Customer)

my customer shared editor template has

@Html.EditorFor(m => m.Name)

and my string shared editor template has

@Html.Infragistics().TextEditorFor(m => m).Render()

Now when the HTML is generated the divs get created id="Customer_Name" but the javascript uses $("Customer.Name")

  • 645
    Offline posted

    The workaround hack I've found is to modify BaseEditorRenderer<T>.Render()

    Add the line 

    id = TagBuilder.CreateSanitizedId(this._id, HtmlHelper.IdAttributeDotReplacement);

    straight after the line


    (make sure the inserted line is inside the same containing if)

    A better way, possibly, would be change BuildMainElement to return the TagBuilder rather than a string and then

    var mainElem=BuildMainElement();


    _id = mainElem.Attributes["id"];

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