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Message "This field is required" not translating for igGrid columns

I have an igGrid and all translations are working perfectly, except the required message.

My loader:

    scriptPath: "Scripts/",
    cssPath: "Content/",
    resources: "igGrid.Updating,igPieChart,igChartLegend,igCombo",
    locale: "nl, fr, en"

My grid:

	language: "nl",
	dataSource: response,
	responseDataKey: "OpstartKostenplaats",
	updateUrl: urlCustomerStartup_SetKostenplaatsen,
	autoGenerateColumns: false,
	primaryKey: "Volgnummer",
	autoCommit: true,
	width: "100%",
	height: "360px",
	columns: [
		{ headerText: "", key: "Volgnummer", dataType: "number", hidden: true },
		{ headerText: "", key: "Klantnr", dataType: "string", hidden: true },
		{ headerText: "", key: "Login", dataType: "object", hidden: true },
		{ headerText: "Code", key: "Code", dataType: "string", width: "20%" }
	features: [
			name: 'Updating',
			columnSettings: [{
				columnKey: "Klantnr",
				defaultValue: webCustomer.Klantnr
				columnKey: "Login",
				defaultValue: [webUser.Gebruikersnaam]
			}, {
				columnKey: "Code",
				required: true,
				editorOptions: {
					maxLength: 10

Everything is translated using the files in "modules\i18n\infragistics*-nl.js", even the message for maxLength, but for the required text (f.e. columnKey: "Code", required: true"), it keeps using the text of "modules\infragistics.ui.validator.js" in stead of "modules\i18n\infragistics.ui.validator-nl.js". Do I need an extra resource in the loader? I tried igValidator and igNotifier, but it doesn't help. Any other solution?

Version of Ignite UI: 2018.2

Thanks for your help!