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igCurrency Editor on mouse hover disappears the text


I am using igCurrencyEditor through MVC Helper and observed that when I hover my mouse the text disappears and when clicked on the field it appears back again . As shown below there is actually a value within the empty one.Can you let me know the problem

 <div class="row-container margin-left-25 margin-bottom-25">
for (int k = 0; k < Model.AddCoverageBBR.Count; k++)
<div class="services-option option-value cell " id=@("services-value-container" + i)>

@(Html.Infragistics().CurrencyEditorFor(m => m.Services)
.ID("services-value" + i).ValidatorOptions(m => m.Required(true).OnBlur(true).OnSubmit(true))
