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igGrid depending on value show value or image in grid

I'm using an igGrid table for displaying my data in ASP.NET MVC (with razor views). I have a column "Category". Depending on if the value (type string) is empty or not I want to show eighter the value or an icon. How can I do this?

Currently I'm filling my array for the datasource like this:




"Id": @detail.Id,
"Vendor": "@(detail.Vendor)",
"Category": "@(detail.CategoryName?.Substring(0, 6))",
"PurVal": "@Math.Round(detail.PurchasedValue, 0)",
"Tot": "@totalP",
"TotSc": "@Math.Round(detail.TotSc, 2)",
"MaxSc": "@Math.Round(detail.MaxTotSc, 2)",
"ToScDel": "@Math.Round(detail.ToScDel, 2)",
"MaxScDel": "@detail.MaxScDel",
"TotScQua": "@Math.Round(detail.TotScQua, 2)",
"MaxScQua": "@detail.MaxScQua",
"TotScPurch": "@Math.Round(detail.TotScPurch, 2)",
"MaxScPurch": "@detail.MaxScPurch",
"AvgScoreDATE": "@Math.Round(detail.AvgScoreDATE, 2)",
"AvgScoreQTY": "@Math.Round(detail.AvgScoreQTY, 2)",
"PPM": "@Math.Round(detail.PPM, 0)",
"ReactivityScore": "@detail.Reactivity_Score",
"QltyTblCertificatesScore": "@detail.Qlty_TblCertificates_Score",
"InternalStopScore": "@detail.InternalStopScore",
"CustomerStopScore": "@detail.CustomerStopScore",
"SqAgreementScore": "@detail.SqAgreementScore",
"PriceScore": "@detail.PriceScore",
"QltyTblSupplierPaymenttermsScoreScore": "@detail.Qlty_TblSupplierPaymenttermsScore_Score",
"BackgroundColor": "@backgroundColor"




  • 17590
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Ronny,

    Thank you for posting in our community.

    What I can suggest for achieving your requirement is using template column option. It gives you the opportunity to add conditional templates and style the cell based on your requirement. We have a working sample illustrating my suggestion here. In this sample  we set a template for Unit Price column. Depending on the Delta Price column value we render up or down arrow next to the cell value. The template looks like the following:

     <script id="colTmpl" type="text/template">
            $ ${UnitPrice} 
            {{if parseInt(${UnitPrice}) >= parseInt(${DeltaPrice}) }} 
            <img width='10' height='15' src= '' />
            <img width='10' height='15' src= '' />

    This template is afterwards set to the template column option as following:

    { headerText: headerTextValues[1], key: "UnitPrice", type: 'number', width: 150, template: $( "#colTmpl" ).html() },

    In your scenario the template can be set in the Razor definition of the grid since the Template option takes string parameter. For example:

     .Columns(column =>
                        column.For(x => x.ProductName).HeaderText("Product Name").Width("30%");
                        column.For(x => x.CategoryName).HeaderText("Category").Width("30%");
                        column.For(x => x.UnitPrice).HeaderText("Unit Price").Width("20%").Template(" {{if parseInt(${UnitPrice}) >= 3 }} $ ${UnitPrice} <img width='10' height='15' src= '' />{{else}}<img width='10' height='15' src= '' />{{/if}}");
                        column.For(x => x.UnitsInStock).HeaderText("Units In Stock").Width("20%");

    The template from the code snippet above checks the of the Unite Price column`s value and if it is less than 3 only an arrow down is rendered, in case that the value is greater than 3 the value and error up is rendered in the cell.

    Some topic that I believe you might find helpful are available here and here.

    Please test this approach on my your side and let me know whether it helps you achieve your requirement.

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