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[Ig Excel Engine] Using applyFixedValuesFilter Javascript

Hello , I'm trying to filter several text values (>3 values) on 1 column of table when export excel file  . The

applyCustomFilter() can not help me so I think the  applyFixedValuesFilter() method can  . But I found no document about it in Javascript.
I've try to use like this but it's not worked  : 
table.columns('Status').applyFixedValuesFilter(0,false, ['open''close']);  
Can you help me ? Thanks  
  • 1080
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    Thank you for posting in our community.

    I noticed that there is another thread in our forum regarding the same query. Please keep in mind that according to our support policy, we handle single thread per issue and I will continue assisting you via the other thread, where I have already replied.

    Thank you for using Infragistics components.