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igDataChart Line grid, XAxis labels are not fully visible


I am trying to make a line grid, the labels I have are DateTimes and are long and this cause problems because I cannot make them fully visible.

I would like the text to wrap to multiple lines (break the dateTime to date and time, 19/05/2021/newLine1:51).

At first, I tried by playing with the margins to make the labels visible.

I also read this post, but the solution did not work for my case

Here is the code I use

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
        td {

        .chartElement {
    <title>Bar and Column Series</title>
        rel="stylesheet" />
        rel="stylesheet" />
    <script src="">"></script>
    <script src="">"></script>
    <script src="">"></script>
    <script src="">"></script>

    <script type="text/javascript">

        var lineData = { "\u002796330\u0027": [{ "Label""19/3/2021\r\n15:00""test1"100"test2"972.22"test3"100"test4"972.22 }, { "Label""19/3/2021\r\n17:00""test1"100"test2"4666.67"test3"8.33"test4"388.89 }], "\u0027968\u0027": [{ "Label""19/3/2021 16:04""test1"75"test2"226.22"test3"49.12"test4"83.33 }] };
        function doGeneration() {
        function assignData(iddata) {
            $("#" + id).igDataChart(
                    dataSource: data
        function createGrid(idlegendIdwcNamedata) {
            $('#' + id).igDataChart(
                    width: "100%",
                    height: "400px",
                    legend: { element: legendId },
                    axes: [
                            name: "xAxis",
                            type: "categoryX",
                            label: "Label",
                            crossingAxis: "yAxis",
                            labelLeftMargin: 10,
                            titlePosition: "bottom",
                            name: "yAxis",
                            type: "numericY",
                            minimumValue: 0,
                            maximumValue: 100,
                            labelHorizontalAlignment: "right",
                            labelRightMargin: 10
                    series: [
                            name: "series1",
                            title: "test1",
                            markerType: "triangle",
                            type: "line",
                            xAxis: "xAxis",
                            yAxis: "yAxis",
                            valueMemberPath: "test1",
                            showTooltip: true,
                            isTransitionInEnabled: true,
                            isHighlightingEnabled: true
                            name: "series2",
                            title: "test2",
                            markerType: "circle",
                            type: "line",
                            xAxis: "xAxis",
                            yAxis: "yAxis",
                            valueMemberPath: "test2",
                            showTooltip: true,
                            isTransitionInEnabled: true,
                            isHighlightingEnabled: true
                            name: "series3",
                            title: "test3",
                            markerType: "diamond",
                            type: "line",
                            xAxis: "xAxis",
                            yAxis: "yAxis",
                            valueMemberPath: "test3",
                            showTooltip: true,
                            isTransitionInEnabled: true,
                            isHighlightingEnabled: true
                            name: "series4",
                            title: "test4",
                            markerType: "square",
                            type: "line",
                            xAxis: "xAxis",
                            yAxis: "yAxis",
                            valueMemberPath: "test4",
                            showTooltip: true,
                            isTransitionInEnabled: true,
                            isHighlightingEnabled: true
                    horizontalZoomable: true,
                    verticalZoomable: false,
                    windowResponse: "immediate",
        $('#LineCharts').ready(function () {
            var counter = 1;
            $.each(lineDatafunction (iv) {
                var lineChartName = "lineChart" + counter;
                var legendName = "lineLegend" + counter;
                $('#LineCharts').append('<div style="display: table; margin-top: 50px">');
                $('#LineCharts').append('<div id="' + lineChartName + '" class="chartElement" style="display: table-cell; width: auto; padding-right: 50px;"></div>');
                $('#LineCharts').append('<div id="' + legendName + '" style="width: 100px; display: table-cell;"></div>');
    <div id="LineCharts"></div>
