How do I refer to the row being updated in a hierarchical grid when the row is a child? I need to do this in order to change other cells in the row based upon a combo box selection. This is how I do it for the top level of an igGrid:
function vetlicensechanged(ui) {
var vetLicenseID = ui.items[0].data.VetLicenseID; var vetLicense;
for (i = 0; i < vetLicensesJSON.length; i++) { vetLicense = vetLicensesJSON[i]; if (vetLicense.vetLicenseID == vetLicenseID) { break; } }
$("#dispatchgrid").igGridUpdating("editorForKey", "VetName").igTextEditor("value", vetLicense.vetName.trim()); $("#dispatchgrid").igGridUpdating("editorForKey", "VetLic").igTextEditor("value", vetLicense.vetLic.trim()); $("#dispatchgrid").igGridUpdating("editorForKey", "VetInformation").igTextEditor("value", vetLicense.vetInformation.trim());
But this technicque does not work when the combo box event fires from the child row.
How do I accomplish this?
OK, I figured this out. I needed to iterate the child grid collection, looking specifically for the grid in editing mode. From there I could access the grid's igUpdating object:
function drugchanged(ui) {
var childGrids = $('#dispatchgrid').igHierarchicalGrid('allChildren');
var drugID = ui.items[0].data.DrugID; var drug;
for (i = 0; i < drugsJSON.length; i++) { drug = drugsJSON[i]; if (drug.drugID == drugID) { break; } }
childGrids.each(function (index, grid) { if ($(grid).igGridUpdating('isEditing')) { $(grid).igGridUpdating('editorForKey', 'DrugName').igTextEditor('value', drug.productName.trim()); } });}