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igDataSource filtering customFunc not working

I am trying to filter my igGrid data based on a combination of nested AND and OR conditions. According to these old topics that is not supported by igGridFiltering:

One of the proposed workarounds looks to be ideal, the customFunc setting on the datasource. Here it is in the latest documentation:

However, this function does not seem to work. Adding a console.log shows that it is not being called at all.


Any other suggestions on how to apply a complex filtering are also appreciated.


  • 1320
    Offline posted

    Hello Ben,

    After investigating this further, I determined that your requirement could be achieved by using the customFunc of the datasource as suggested in one of the listed forum threads.

    I have created a small sample implementing this approach. Multiple conditions for one column are set with the logical operator “OR” and conditions for multiple columns are set with “AND”.

    Below I am attaching a sample demonstrating the described behavior. Please test it on your side and let me know if you need any further information regarding this matter.

    Monika Kirkova,

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