I have the following grid rendering with a pager:
and I'm wondering if you have any advice on listening for the page size combo box (outlined in red) being rendered? I have it being rendered with the following settings:
... features: [ ... { recordCountKey: 'TotalRecordsCount', pageIndexUrlKey: 'page', pageSizeUrlKey: 'pageSize', name: 'Paging', pageSize: 100, type: 'remote', pageCountLimit: 50, currentPageIndex: 0, pageSizeList: [ 5, 10, 20, 25, 75, 100 ], totalRecordsCount: 0 }, ... ], ...
I tried giving the grid's "rendered" parameter a method and then tried retrieving the combo box there, but the combo box is not yet rendered by that stage. The same goes for the "iggridpagingpagerrendered" event; this only seems to trigger when the paging footer is rendered (the footer containing the next/prev buttons in the screenshot above) but, again, the combo box is not rendered by this stage.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!