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UltraWebGrid - UltraGridColumn button error

I am facing an error with a button in a Web Forms application. It's a missing JS method causing the error.

It works properly when the application runs in IE mode on the Edge browser but throws the error when running normally on Edge.

I saw the Infragistics support page and it says Edge requires version 15.1 or higher.

Can the Infragistics team please tell me if it is due to the old version of the libraries, if so which product will suit me best?

Please see the error from the browser console below 

UncaughtReferenceError: igtbl_cancelEvent is not defined at HTMLTableCellElement.onmousedown

UncaughtReferenceError: igtbl_colButtonClick is not defined at HTMLInputElement.onclick

UncaughtReferenceError: igtbl_srcElement is not defined

<%@ Register TagPrefix="igtbl" Namespace="Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid" Assembly="Infragistics35.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.v11.1, Version=11.1.20111.2238, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" %>

The assemblies being referenced in the project are:














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    Hello Rituraj,

    You are correct, the issue comes from the old version of the libraries. If you would like to use more modern platform I can recommend you the Ignite UI for Web Components, because it is a complete set of UI widgets, components, UI kits for design tools and supporting services for Web Components. Designed to enable developers to build the most modern, high-performance HTML5 & JavaScript apps for modern desktop browsers, mobile experiences and progressive web apps (PWA’s) targeting the browsers web components APIs.

    If you would like to stick to using WebFroms I can recommend you using the latest version of our WebForms product, which would support all modern browsers. Please note that the UltraWebGrid as well as the other controls you listed are part of the classic toolset, which has been retired in version 11.2. Since we have introduced a number of major changes in order to catch up with the constantly changing web world, having in mind performance, new rendering engines and modern browsers support we introduced Aikido frameworks as an descendant of the Classic Toolset. More about our product changes is available in our blog here: 

    The Classic controls are retired and basically, in order to migrate to a version that is currently supported this means that you will have to re-write your application logic, because the controls are different in their architecture. Having said that, the effort will be close to starting the application from scratch since all components and the way they work has changed.

    Please let me know if you need any further assistance.

    Ivan Kitanov

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