Ignite ui 13.2
I can't figure out how to type a new line into a grid cell.
eg I am using cell edit mode nad I want to enter this:
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Whenever I hit the enter key it ends the edit. Same with ctrl+enter and alt+enter.
Is there a special key combination that I need to use?
I have set up a column formatter to convert new lines into tags as described here:
and it is being called for the column in question, I just can't figure out how to type them into the cell.
Graeme Hart
Hello Graeme,
I would suggest you to use a text editor provider for the grid columns where you will need line breaks. Set the editor's textMode to multiline: http://help.infragistics.com/jQuery/2013.2/ui.igtexteditor#options
Hope this helps.
Thanks very much for the pointer. I now have it working.
For completeness, I am setting up the grid model in my controller so I have the following setting for this column:
oUpdating.ColumnSettings.Add(new ColumnUpdatingSetting() { ColumnKey = JobViewModel.COL_NOTE_NoteText, EditorType = ColumnEditorType.Text, EditorOptions="textMode:'multiline'" });
I have to press shift+enter to type a new line into a cell.
Hi Graeme,
Thank you for sharing your code with the community.
If you have any further questions on the matter, please let me know.