My ver. 4.1 (4.1.1158) iOS 9.0.1. I Create my report (Connect Analysis Services Server) from hierarchy OLAP Cube - everything looks fine. Next when I try open report and try refresh I have this message:
Server Message: The following system error occurred: Out of present range.
I have to choose settings and wait to load preview - then data refresh properly.
Hello Lucas,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
Our developers believe that the issue is related to SASS, unfortunately we are not able to reproduce the error on our end.Is it possible for you to send us the generated MDX query?You will need to tap on the widget editor and tap on the Query button.
Looking forward to your reply.
Gonzalo TAssociate Support SpecialistEnterprise MobilityInfragistics, Inc.
This is my MDX query
WITH MEMBER [Czas].[Miesiac].[_COLTOTAL_LBL] AS AGGREGATE(EXISTING([Czas].[Miesiac].[All]), [Measures].currentmember)
MEMBER [Czas].[Rok].[_ROWTOTAL_LBL] AS AGGREGATE(EXISTING({[Czas].[Rok].&[2015]}), [Measures].currentmember)
MEMBER [Grupa kontrahenta].[Grupa kontrahenta].[_ROWTOTAL] AS AGGREGATE(EXISTING({[Grupa kontrahenta].[Grupa kontrahenta].&[-32:12], [Grupa kontrahenta].[Grupa kontrahenta].&[-32:7], [Grupa kontrahenta].[Grupa kontrahenta].&[-32:10], [Grupa kontrahenta].[Grupa kontrahenta].&[-32:1203], [Grupa kontrahenta].[Grupa kontrahenta].&[-32:6], [Grupa kontrahenta].[Grupa kontrahenta].&[-32:17], [Grupa kontrahenta].[Grupa kontrahenta].&[-32:9], [Grupa kontrahenta].[Grupa kontrahenta].&[-32:14], [Grupa kontrahenta].[Grupa kontrahenta].&[-32:11], [Grupa kontrahenta].[Grupa kontrahenta].&[32:1968], [Grupa kontrahenta].[Grupa kontrahenta].&[-32:8], [Grupa kontrahenta].[Grupa kontrahenta].&[-32:612], [Grupa kontrahenta].[Grupa kontrahenta].&[32:0]}), [Measures].currentmember)
SELECT NON EMPTY UNION(HIERARCHIZE([Czas].[Miesiac].children), { [Czas].[Miesiac].[_COLTOTAL_LBL]}) ON COLUMNS , NON EMPTY UNION(GENERATE(HIERARCHIZE([Czas].[Rok].children),[Czas].[Rok].currentmember*(HIERARCHIZE(UNION([Grupa kontrahenta].[Grupa kontrahenta].children, {[Grupa kontrahenta].[Grupa kontrahenta].&[-32:5].children, [Grupa kontrahenta].[Grupa kontrahenta].&[-32:0].children})))),CROSSJOIN( [Czas].[Rok].[_ROWTOTAL_LBL], [Grupa kontrahenta].[Grupa kontrahenta].[_ROWTOTAL])) ON ROWS FROM (SELECT {[Czas].[Rok].&[2015]} ON COLUMNS FROM (SELECT {[Grupa kontrahenta].[Grupa kontrahenta].&[-32:12], [Grupa kontrahenta].[Grupa kontrahenta].&[-32:7], [Grupa kontrahenta].[Grupa kontrahenta].&[-32:10], [Grupa kontrahenta].[Grupa kontrahenta].&[-32:1203], [Grupa kontrahenta].[Grupa kontrahenta].&[-32:6], [Grupa kontrahenta].[Grupa kontrahenta].&[-32:17], [Grupa kontrahenta].[Grupa kontrahenta].&[-32:9], [Grupa kontrahenta].[Grupa kontrahenta].&[-32:14], [Grupa kontrahenta].[Grupa kontrahenta].&[-32:11], [Grupa kontrahenta].[Grupa kontrahenta].&[32:1968], [Grupa kontrahenta].[Grupa kontrahenta].&[-32:8], [Grupa kontrahenta].[Grupa kontrahenta].&[-32:612], [Grupa kontrahenta].[Grupa kontrahenta].&[32:0]} ON COLUMNS FROM (SELECT {[Grupa towarow].[Grupa towarow].&[-16:2994], [Grupa towarow].[Grupa towarow].&[-16:17], [Grupa towarow].[Grupa towarow].&[-16:6], [Grupa towarow].[Grupa towarow].&[-16:5688], [Grupa towarow].[Grupa towarow].&[16:0], [Grupa towarow].[Grupa towarow].&[-16:20], [Grupa towarow].[Grupa towarow].&[-16:7569], [Grupa towarow].[Grupa towarow].&[-16:5687], [Grupa towarow].[Grupa towarow].&[-16:3668], [Grupa towarow].[Grupa towarow].&[-16:22], [Grupa towarow].[Grupa towarow].&[-16:11], [Grupa towarow].[Grupa towarow].&[-16:16]} ON COLUMNS FROM (SELECT {[Sprzedaz].[Bonus].&[NIE]} ON COLUMNS FROM (SELECT {[Sprzedaz].[Seria].&[HURT.], [Sprzedaz].[Seria].&[KLI], [Sprzedaz].[Seria].&[INW], [Sprzedaz].[Seria].&[ADVER], [Sprzedaz].[Seria].&[MARK], [Sprzedaz].[Seria].&[ODNS], [Sprzedaz].[Seria].&[SAB], [Sprzedaz].[Seria].&[KOINW], [Sprzedaz].[Seria].&[EXPM], [Sprzedaz].[Seria].&[LAZ], [Sprzedaz].[Seria].&[DOM], [Sprzedaz].[Seria].&[ODNK], [Sprzedaz].[Seria].&[VBU], [Sprzedaz].[Seria].&[LUX], [Sprzedaz].[Seria].&[STA], [Sprzedaz].[Seria].&[DETAL], [Sprzedaz].[Seria].&[ODNR], [Sprzedaz].[Seria].&[LIBT], [Sprzedaz].[Seria].&[REF], [Sprzedaz].[Seria].&[TAM], [Sprzedaz].[Seria].&[LIBP], [Sprzedaz].[Seria].&[ZWROT], [Sprzedaz].[Seria].&[EKSPO], [Sprzedaz].[Seria].&[KLISZ], [Sprzedaz].[Seria].&[], [Sprzedaz].[Seria].&[LIBE], [Sprzedaz].[Seria].&[HURT], [Sprzedaz].[Seria].&[EXP], [Sprzedaz].[Seria].&[GLA], [Sprzedaz].[Seria].&[REKLA], [Sprzedaz].[Seria].&[WIK], [Sprzedaz].[Seria].&[MAŁ]} ON COLUMNS FROM [Kostka_ST_SN_v1]))))) WHERE ([Measures].[Wartosc netto], {[Sprzedaz].[Bonus].&[NIE]})
Our developers have decided to send you an invitation to a test flight.Could you please provide us with the email address you use for purchasing ReportPlus?We will send you the test flight app once we receive Apple's approval.
Gonzalo T Associate Support Specialist Enterprise Mobility Infragistics, Inc.
I had the same issue and was able to solve it, thanks mod!
I'm writing to you in order to check if you have further questions.
I will keep this case open for another three days while I wait for your response. If at that time you haven't responded, I will close this case as inactive. Please note that closed cases may be reopened within thirty days of closure.
Best regards.
Thanks for your reply. I'm testing the application on my device.
Please send your information with this case number or an explanation regarding the test flight so that we can relate it to this thread, to support@infragistics.comLooking forward to your reply.
How can I send my address on priv ?
I would prefer not to send on public.