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ReportPlus Android - Controlling Grid View


Need some help - i am using ReportPlus Windows edition 1.1.346.0 to build out a set of dashboards and reports.  My client [RETAILER] wants a SIMPLE table view with stores in the rows and TWO facts as columns - simple right!?!  in IOS and Windows, heirarchy is the perfect solution to display and you have some in tile control over the column width.  In Android, it doesn't seem to support drilling or heirarchies and also the Android viewer can not seem to control the column width so no numbers can be seen.  I have tried to control the column width in windows or iOS but it is not being picked up in the Android version.  Essentially i am stuck..

1) does Android support hierarchy?

2) can i control how a grid is viewed in Android - ie/ column width / nested for stacked row headings

3) does Android support tile linking to other dashboards?

All of the above is related to one need - get a simple table viewable via Android users



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