Hi team,
we are using infragistics windows forms v5.2 in our application, keyboard arrow key events are not working for under user control, but the same code under form is working fine. keyboard arrow keys not firing or selecting dropdown values in user control, but same works in form. Is there any property need to be added to make this work around.
Great job finding a fix! Let us know if you have any additional questions regarding this matter.
Hi Michael,
The issue got fixed, this initialization line shown below if it come under “DockWithinContainer” property, then we are able to navigate using arrow keys. Though not sure why, it worked. (earlier beginInit line was above dockwithincontainer property).
this.ultraToolbarsManager1.DesignerFlags = 1;
this.ultraToolbarsManager1.DockWithinContainer = this;
this.ultraToolbarsManager1.ShowFullMenusDelay = 500;
Hello Raj,
Please provide a complete and isolated sample project demonstrating the behavior. There is no known behavior regarding this. Also your account has an active subscription with a newer 18.2 license key.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Sorry the issue is not with the user control. the issue is because of windows menu control. because of MDI form i hope it is not allowing keyboard arrow keys to work. please let me know if this issue was already reported or if there is any solution
I have not tested against most recent version, we have license for 5.2, but i am not sure about latest version licenses. This below code works if i directly write this code in windows form, but if i write in User control, i am not able to select dropdown using arrowkey
private void BindRace() { RaceDropDown = new Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.PopupMenuTool("RaceDropDown"); this.ultraToolbarsManager1 = new Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager(this.components); this.ultraDropDownButton1 = new Infragistics.Win.Misc.UltraDropDownButton(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.ultraToolbarsManager1)).BeginInit(); this.ultraToolbarsManager1.DesignerFlags = 1; this.ultraToolbarsManager1.DockWithinContainer = this; this.ultraToolbarsManager1.ShowFullMenusDelay = 500; //// // ultraDropDownButton1 // this.ultraDropDownButton1.ButtonStyle = Infragistics.Win.UIElementButtonStyle.Flat; this.ultraDropDownButton1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0); this.ultraDropDownButton1.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(8, 7, 8, 7); this.ultraDropDownButton1.Name = "ultraDropDownButton1"; this.ultraDropDownButton1.PopupItemKey = "RaceDropDown"; this.ultraDropDownButton1.PopupItemProvider = this.ultraToolbarsManager1; this.ultraDropDownButton1.RightAlignPopup = Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean.True; this.ultraDropDownButton1.ShowFocusRect = false; this.ultraDropDownButton1.ShowOutline = false; this.ultraDropDownButton1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(100, 21); this.ultraDropDownButton1.Style = Infragistics.Win.Misc.SplitButtonDisplayStyle.DropDownButtonOnly; this.ultraDropDownButton1.TabIndex = 4; this.ultraDropDownButton1.SupportThemes = false; //this.ultraDropDownButton1.Validating += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(this.ultraDropDownButton1_Validating); Appearance headerAppearance = new Appearance(); headerAppearance.BackColor = Color.LightGray; headerAppearance.TextHAlign = HAlign.Left; ultraDropDownButton1.Appearance = headerAppearance; this.ultraToolbarsManager1.ToolClick += new Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolClickEventHandler(this.ultraToolbarsManager1_ToolClick); ultraToolbarsManager1.Appearance.BackColor = Color.Yellow; ultraToolbarsManager1.ImageSizeSmall = new Size(-7, 0); this.ultraToolbarsManager1.Tools.Add(RaceDropDown);
raceCollection = BuildRaceCollection();
foreach (var race in raceCollection) { if (race.Key.Code.Equals(blankRace) || race.Value.Count == 0) {
buttonTool = new ButtonTool(race.Key.ToString()); buttonTool.SharedProps.Caption = race.Key.Description; buttonTool.SharedProps.Tag = race.Key; this.ultraToolbarsManager1.Tools.Add(buttonTool); RaceDropDown.Tools.Add(buttonTool); } else { var raceMenuTool = GetRacePopupMenuTool(race); RaceDropDown.Tools.Add(raceMenuTool); foreach (var raceValue in race.Value) { buttonTool = new ButtonTool(raceValue.ToString()); buttonTool.SharedProps.Caption = raceValue.ToString(); buttonTool.SharedProps.Tag = ((Race)(((ValidatingCode)(raceValue)))); this.ultraToolbarsManager1.Tools.Add(buttonTool); raceMenuTool.Tools.Add(buttonTool); } } } this.Controls.Add(this.ultraDropDownButton1); ((ISupportInitialize)(this.ultraToolbarsManager1)).EndInit(); }