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seeks an advice for version upgrade from Netadvantage 2011.2 to a higher version relevant to VS2019

I have  recently installed Visual Studio 2019 in my machine where I previously installed Visual Studio 2011 with infragistics version 11.2.2011.2.1019 in .net framework 4

Please advice me about the most appropriate Infragistics version to be purchased ( we have already migrated the Solution from VS 2011 to VS 2019, what is missing is the Infragistic support for front end development)


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    I have been looking into your question and what I could say is that Infragistics Ultimate UI for ASP.NET has 1 year of product service releases and 3 years of developer support. Having this in mind I would recommend updating to the latest version of the toolset or at least greater than 19.2. More about the product lifecycle could be found here.

    Also, a resource that you might consider useful is our supported environments section here.

    Let me know if I may be of any further assistance.

    Teodosia Hristodorova
    Software Developer

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