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Binding Grid to Custom Data Source

I'm trying to bind a UltraWebGrid to a custom data source that is derived from the DataSourceControl class.  I'm having a problem with paging.  The grid is loading the first time just fine with the correct set of data and the correct number of pages.  However, when I proceed to the second page, the grid is empty.  The grid never makes a requst to the data source for the 2nd page of data. 

I tried handling the PageIndexChanged event and calling DataBind() from there, but the event never fired.

 How is this supposed to work?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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     I'm not sure what was happening, but the PageIndexChanged event is firing now.  However, I'm still having a problem with the pager.  The grid is updating with the correct data for the page, but the selected page in the pagination navigation section the web page is not updating (i.e.  I click page number 2 and the grid updates with the rows for page 2, but the pagination navigation section still lists page 1 as the selected page).