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Web grid - UltraGridColumn - Format property


Our application is based on ASP.NET, .NET 2.0,Infragistics tools

We are using 'UltraWebGrid'. In that, we have UltraGridColumn like below


<igtbl:UltraGridColumn AllowUpdate="No" BaseColumnName="Investment" HeaderText="Investment" Key="Investment" Type="Custom" Width="8%" Format="###,###,###.##" >

<CellStyle BackColor="#EFEBDE" Height="10px" HorizontalAlign="Right" />

<Header Caption="Investment">


<RowLayoutColumnInfo OriginX="10" />






<RowLayoutColumnInfo OriginX="10" />





Having the property Format="###,###,###.##"  formats cell value to 2 decimals comma separated value.We are using the grid for preview. If the value for the cell is other zero, it displays as expected.If it is zero, it is not showing any value in the cell. If we remove the format property from the UltraGridColumn tag, it shows the value zero, but for other values, we are not getting the comma and also rounding-off format.

We want to have the formatting and also showing zero in the column. Please let us know the solution for this problem


  • 10

    Try using this



    ="###,###,##0" with the zero on the right.  If you want the decimal place and say two places to the right of it, do this



    ="###,###,##0.00"   Hope it helps!