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WebDateChooser dropdown image shows cross (X)


One of our customers is facing an issue with WebDateChooser. They see a cross "X" on the WebDateChooser dropdown image instead of a down-arrow image. This looks to us that something is blocking the script for WebDateChooser, but we are not sure. Note that we are working with "Infragistics2.WebUI.WebDateChooser.v9.1.dll" over Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.

Does anyone know what could be the possible reasons for this issue, so that we can check across?

* This is urgent and your help over this would be highly appretiated. Let us know if you need any info.

Thanks in advance.

- Anwar


  • 75
    Verified Answer

    This is resolved for us.

    FYI -
    The users belonging to "Users" group on Web Server (where SharePoint is installed) did not have rights to "bin" folder of our SharePoint application. Adding "Users" group to "bin" folder (with default permissions) resolved the issue.
