Is there a way to disable the sorting for only one column?
I am binding the webgrid to an objectdatasource. I added manually a checkbox column at the begining. I don't want to enable sorting for this column.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Thanks Johni.
It worked, but in the DataBound event not the InitializeLayout() event.
I am trying to maintain the checkbox state during paging but I can't find the right event where to loop through the rows to store the state. the vs2005 gridview has two events:
but the ultrawebgrid has only the second one. I tried to debug the application at that event but the number of rows were 0.
You can use something like this:
protected void UltraWebGrid1_InitializeLayout(object sender, Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.LayoutEventArgs e){ UltraWebGrid1.Bands[0].Columns.FromKey("ColumnName").SortIndicator = Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.SortIndicator.Disabled; }
Hope it helps
Johni Ecco