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NumericXAxis Labels

How do you get the double values to show up as dates on the NumericXAxis?

Currently I have double values like 40402.5 showing on the axis. I have tried a few different Label Settings, but nothing so far has worked.


  • 7305
    Suggested Answer

    You can use IValueConverter to convert tickmark value into DateTime value:

    //  In code or can be done in XAML as well






    dp1 = new DataPoint();

    dp1.ChartParameters.Add(ChartParameterType.ValueX,(DateTime)Convert.ToDateTime(date.Convert(null, typeof(DateTime), 633011240000000000, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)));

    dp1.ChartParameters.Add(ChartParameterType.ValueY, 5);


    //  IValueConverter:

    long ticks = System.Convert.ToInt64(parameter);

    DateTime temp = new DateTime(ticks);

    return temp.ToShortDateString();

    Let me know if you have any question.
