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CheckBox Binding

I searched the forum for this and found and "old" thread about the issue but I didn't have luck with those tips provided in the thread.

I have a scenario where I have "hard-coded" root level node (Select all). Then I bind my ObservableCollection to that item's ItemsSource. Here's the XAML of my scenario.


<ig:XamTree CheckBoxVisibility="Visible" CheckBoxMode="Auto">
<ig:XamTreeItem Header="Select/Deselect all" ItemsSource="{Binding MyObjects}">
<ig:XamTreeItem IsChecked="{Binding IsSelected, Mode=TwoWay}" Header="{Binding Name}"/>

This doesn't work. The CheckBox doesn't update the property as expected. I got this idea by combining few samples from these forums. The basic idea came from this example:


<ig:XamTree CheckBoxVisibility="Visible" CheckBoxMode="Auto">
<ig:XamTreeItem Header="Select/Deselect all" ItemsSource="{Binding MyObjects}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" />

This looks better so basicly I need this but added with the possibility to bind the CheckBox to a boolean property of MyObject. I'm using 10.2.20102.2066 version of your control.

Any ideas how to achieve this?



  • 2092
    Verified Answer

    I got it working after some struggling. I needed to define both DefaultItemsContainer- and ItemTemplate -templates like this:

    <ig:XamTree CheckBoxVisibility="Visible" CheckBoxMode="Auto" >
    <ig:XamTreeItem Header="Select/Deselect all" ItemsSource="{Binding MyObjects}">
    <ig:XamTreeItem IsChecked="{Binding IsSelected, Mode=TwoWay}" />
    <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" />

    This seem to work fine. Hope this solution helps someone else too.