In deffered scrolling the scroll bar moves there is a continous request for data. Is there a way to request for data only when the scroll bar is stopped at a particular location ans not while it's moving?
Hi Steve,
I have found the solution to the issue. It had to do with the WCF service. I'm sorry for the incovenience caused. And thanks for your help.
Hi Again,
I forgot to mention for the virtualcollection the loadsize is 5000 in the file attached. But I have even tried decreasing the load size to 100 or even to 12 but still the time remains the same around 3.2 seconds.
I have modified the existing sample which came with the installation(startup solution). I did a few changes to it. On the server side I have 1 million records now and each record with 5 columns. If you will go to the visualization link I have added a small time which appears at the top of the grid. I have added the modified files. Let me know if you need the whole sample.
Let me know if I'm missing something.
Deferred scrolling will continue to access the data rows, there isn't a way to have it not make requests while its moving.
As for your performance question.
It shouldn't be taking anywhere near that amount of time, especially with only 5 columns and 100 rows.
Area all 100 rows visible?
Can you post your sample?
In addition to the above mentioned question Im having a lot of performance issues as well its taking around 3 seconds to load 100 rows of 5 column data. Even if I change the number of rows to a lower count it still takes as much time. Though if i reduce columns it works faster. For example with a single column is takes 700 millisecods, with 2 columns around 1.3 seconds. Is there any way to increase the performance?