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Can the WARP Panel use"GET", form.action, true); instead of "POST"


I use  Infragistics 2011 Vol. 1. By checking the file below:

C:\Program Files\Infragistics\NetAdvantage 2011.1\ASP.NET\CLR2.0\Scripts\ig_shared.js,

I see this function call:'POST', form.action, true);

The question is: Is there a means to replace this POST call with a GET call, like this ?'GET', form.action, true); ?

I refresh the panel using the warp.refresh() method; I see internally that this is implemented like this:

o.refresh = function()

{ try{

ig_all._ig_cbManager.addCallBack(this, this._uniqueID, this._element, -1); }catch(e){}


Can I use a JavaScript trick to create my own version of the refresh() function, which has access to internal private variables already in place (i.e. do not lose part of the default functionality I would like to keep) 

Thank you