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HOWTO: Hierarchical checkbox selection with an Infragistics UltraWebGrid

I couldn't find any guide on how to enable hierarchical checkbox selection in the UltraWebGrid (checking a checkbox in a parent row checks the boxes in its children rows), so I made a blog post about it when I was done.  Check it out if you need the same thing:

  • 145

    Hi, In Hierarchical ultrawebgrid, I done Checkbox selection through Javascript. When Save button click i have try to get the checkbox values in serverside. its working in IE But in Firefox the current checked/unchecked check box values are not getting. The following code I used to get the checkbox value. drow[ "view_access"] = uwgUser.Rows[i].Rows[j].Cells[2].Text.ToUpper() == "TRUE" ? "1" : "0" ;