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Filters on Rows,Measures,Filter,Columns and Collapse/Visible Event.


I have two questions:

1. How do you Catch the Event that fires when hiding/showing the Data Slicer or the Data Selector?
    I know i can set the property Visibility = Collapse or Visible, but i cant get the event that tells me what state the Control is in after changing it from the GUI? It Always returns
    same value in code behind.

2. How do you dynamically set the Filter on a Filter Item from code behind?
    I can set the Rows,Column,Filters,Measures MDX filter string in the dataSource that drives the pivotGrid, but how can i manipulate the checkbox-filters that are included in   these items?
    For example, i want  only checkboxes to be check by a certain value-name. I want to be able to loop these checkbox filters and be able to set if they should be checked or not, and then reload the values.
