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UltraWebGrid BeforeCellUpdateHandler ActiveRow is not working on IE10

Dear Friends,

I am using UltraWebGrid and on click of checkbox on JavaScript side I am exposing BeforeCellUpdateHandler  event where I get selected Rows value.

I am using IE10 and when I set IE10 view mode to Compatibility View its working fine but without compatibility mode ActiveRow value become empty.

javascript Code Snippet 

function infraGridReport_BeforeCellUpdateHandler(gridName, cellId, value)


var myGrid = igtbl_getGridById(gridName);

var RowId = myGrid.ActiveRow;
var Row = myGrid.Rows.getRowById(RowId);

var iLink = Row.getCellFromKey("Hidden File Path").getValue();
var iFileName = Row.getCellFromKey("Hidden File Name").getValue();


Kindly please help me resolve this.

