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Multiple Choice Column value update Issue

I have an issue where each time I add a new option to a Multiple Choice list column it does not show up in SharePlus. I found that if I remove my Sharepoint site from SharePlus and re-add it the new value then does show up correctly. I also found the following threads which appear to referenace my exact issue along with the recommended "Reset Cache" workaround:

While the "Reset Cache" workaround is more convenient than recreating the site entry in SharePlus, it isn't a good option for my implementation where the values in this Multiple Choice column change frequently.

One additional oddity is that I have another Multiple Choice column in a different Sharepoint list which looks to be configured identically, but which does not have this problem. SharePlus detects updates in that Multiple Choice column automatically.

What else can be done about this problem to allow automatic updates in SharePlus without user intervention?

  • 28925
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Micah Katke,

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics.

    From my understanding, you are encountering an issue with SharePlus not refreshing each time you open a site. This behavior is expected to make the app more efficient. Please note, you have the ability to manually refresh your site to obtain the latest site information by tapping on the refresh button on the lower left hand of your screen. Resetting the list's is generally the default method to perform a thorough update in SharePlus. For more information on why this is so, please visit

    I hope I have answered all of your questions. If you have any additional questions feel free to update this forum. Thanks!

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