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SharePlus Offline Sync


We use SharePoint internally and were looking for a solution using SharePlus to automatically sync a document library that would be updated.

This would need to be available without any signal.

I have been testing this and managed to select offline Support and Background Sync which is great but as soon as I go to airplane mode to test it offline I run into some issues.

With Airplane mode enabled I enter the SharePlus app and select the relevant SharePoint site from the list. I then get a connection error (as I am no longer connected) which I cannot bypass to my offline library. I cant seem to enable the entire site offline so I wasn't quite sure how offline more is meant to function.

I know the alternative is local files but it would be good to simply enable a entire library or even site into offline mode so documents can be access and when on WIFI this is automatically updated.

Any assistance would be much appreciated.