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Ultimate UI for Android and Android Studio

Based on what I have read on several questions on this forum, am I right to say the UI for Android, specifically datagrid will only work using Xamarin and not using it directly from Android Studio?

I'm confused because on the supported environments page it's still listing Android Studio 4.1 & later.

Thanks in advance for clarifying.

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  • 34850
    Offline posted

    Hello Roberto,

    Many of the forum threads in our Ultimate UI for Android ask about Xamarin.Android, this is true, but the Ultimate UI for Android product that allows the download of our Jar files will work in Android Studio and a Java environment.

    With the above said, it’s worth noting that the Ultimate UI for Android product has essentially become obsolete to our Ultimate UI for Xamarin product, which will work in Xamarin.Forms, Xamarin.Android, and Xamarin.iOS, and I would recommend using that if at all possible. The Android jars have not received any active development or testing since 2016, and so while our website lists version 4.1 and later, this was as of 2016. It is hard to say if it would work against the latest Android versions, but it may.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.

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