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XamDataGrid's ScrollToLastRowByIndex doesn't work

int nIndex = 0;
private async void BtnMeasureClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
PhotometricMeasureData test = new PhotometricMeasureData();
test.No = nIndex.ToString();
test.Cell = string.Format("C[{0}]", nIndex);
test.DateTime = DateTime.Now;

for (int i = 0; i < this.m_Model.WaveLength.Count; i++)
test.ABS.Add(new Random().Next(-10, 10));
test.Trans.Add(new Random().Next(-10, 10));


int n = this.m_Model.MeasureData.Count;

public ObservableCollection<PhotometricMeasureData> MeasureData
set; get;
} = new ObservableCollection<PhotometricMeasureData>();

public class PhotometricMeasureData
public string No { get; set; }
public string Cell { get; set; }
public DateTime DateTime { get; set; }
public List<float> ABS
get; set;
} = new List<float>();

public List<float> Trans
get; set;
} = new List<float>();

Click the button to create and insert virtual data. But it doesn't move to the last line.

Is there any other reason? One strange thing is that you shouldn't put count in the index, but if you set it to int n = 10 it will work.

is this a bug?

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