I want to build a specialized tool for reading fixed length text files.I also need to show the data and search it.At the moment I go with excel, power query or VBA.The DataGrid needed (or whatever component may be useful for the purpose) should be really fast, Excel fast.
As an example the data could be 100k rows by 45 columns.I'm able to import that in Excel in under 2 seconds and filter/search without any issue.
I've experience with WinForms DataGridView and after some tweaks it can manage this kind of data.I've tested the Windows Community Toolkit example app. but the DataGrid is quite slow even at sorting the default ~100 rows.
Am I stuck with WinForms?
Hello and thank you for contacting Infragistics. In the Windows Forms UltraGrid we have this topic for searching text and load on demand in the UltraGridhttps://www.infragistics.com/help/winforms/wingrid-searching-for-text-or-a-phrase-in-wingrid https://www.infragistics.com/help/winforms/windatasource-load-data-on-demand
There is no built-in import function of Excel data but you can refer to this topic:
For importing I suggest using our UltraSpreadsheet Comopnent.
If you are looking to migrate to the web, I suggest looking at our Blazor - Grid. It includes exporting and search sample here:
At the moment we don't have a Spreadsheet component for Blazor. But there are alternatives such as injecting our JQuery version of the Spreadsheet.
I also attached a Blazor data-streaming sample that uses a service with paging that can reach many thousands of records in chunks.
binding-remote-data (2).zip
Let me know if you have any questions.