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Custom Tooltip Doughnut Chart

I would like to add a tool tip displaying data from a third column from my dataview, "MISC_REFERENCE".  I am able to reference the specific row's data, but would like to show the MISC_REFERENCE field for each row of data.

Is there a way to reference the dataview dynamically?

Thanks so much!

Sample of the code:

'Add some data series to the Series collection.
Dim series01 As New NumericSeries
Dim dv01 As New DataView
dv01 = SqlDataSource1.Select(Web.UI.DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty)
series01.Data.DataSource = dv01.Table
series01.Data.LabelColumn = "WORKORDER"
series01.Data.ValueColumn = "TOTAL_LBS"

UltraChart_SAU01.Tooltips.Format = TooltipStyle.Custom
UltraChart_SAU01.Tooltips.FormatString = dv01.Table.Rows(0)("MISC_REFERENCE").ToString

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  • 10685
    Offline posted

    Hello Jeanne,


    I have checked upon the possibilities and in order to display custom data for the items tooltips (containing other than simple string or the available data_values for the items), it will require you to implement Customize Labels Using the IRenderLabel Interface similar to what I described in the link. There you can specify what should be the values shown for the tooltips as well as add additional formatting if required.

    You can refer to the following forum thread as well (Custom Tooltip on UltraWebChart), as there is a similar scenario discussed and you can see the resulting tooltip.


    Please let me know how my suggestions work for you!

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