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ASP.NET WebSchedule Appointment with recurrence is not working

Hi guys, I'm currently using Infragistics ASP.NET 2014.2 WebSchedule control and I have some issues with recurrence.
I wondering if version 2017.2 have the same issues, so I installed it and test it. It seems the I have pratically the same issues.
I also compared the same sample on the infragistics web site with a local version of infragistic samples 2017.2.

Here are what happen when I click on a recurrence appointment.

Infragistics Web Site sample ( )

Google Chrome (version 64.0.3282): All seems OK

Internet Explorer 11:
-Modify Recurrence Dialog (occurrence or series) show up normally
-If I click the OK button or Cancel button, another Modify Recurrence Dialog show up. (The height and width of the form are more larger then usual)
-Except of this weird behavior, Appointement dialog show up and I'm able to show the Recurrence pattern dialog

Microsoft Edge:
Modify Recurrence Dialog (occurrence or series) don't show up
Nothing happend when I click on Recurrence button in a new appointment
(Block popup is disabled)

Infragistics.Web.AspNET 2017.2 samples running with Visual Studio 2015 on my Windows 10 Computer
( localhost:20200/.../Default.aspx )

Google Chrome (version 64.0.3282): Modify Recurrence Dialog (occurrence or series) show up but not the apointment dialog form after clicking the OK button.

Internet Explorer 11: same behavior as Infragistics Web site but the Recurrence pattern dialog is not well formatted. The height of each section is to high and there is no scroll bar to see the OK, Cancel and Remove Recurrence buttons.

Microsoft Edge: Same behavior as the Infragistics Web Site sample

I there a way to fix all this issues. WebSchedule is a very great control but it become unusable for us without fixing them.
I also read that the control should support several different browsers.

Thanks you for your help.

Marc Lamontagne, eng.

Laubrass inc.

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