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WebDataGrid EditCore Cells

hi , 

how can i modify the type of  cells of Webdatagrid editcore,  from defaults to costum ,  like textbox MultiLine or dropdown !

  • 2180
    Offline posted


    You could define column settings on the row editing and provide an editor provider for each column. Here is a code snippet:

        <ig:WebDataGrid ID="WebDataGrid1" runat="server" DataKeyFields="CityID">
               <ig:NumericEditorProvider ID="NumericEditorProvider1" EditorControl-Buttons-SpinButtonsDisplay="OnRight" EditorControl-SpinDelta="100" EditorControl-MinValue="0"></ig:NumericEditorProvider>
                        <ig:RowEditing Enabled="true">
                                <ig:EditingColumnSetting ColumnKey="CityPopulation" EditorID="NumericEditorProvider1" />

    In this topic, you could find the available built-in editor providers.


    Diyan Dimitrov