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Web Tab - Call javascript inside a tab linked page

Hi everyone,

I have a problem for upgrade a (very complex) application from the old infragistics library (version 10) to the new ones.

I have an environment with 2 iframes (Menu and Funz)

In iframe (Menu) I have a WebTab (TabMenu) with 3 tabs, in the other iframe (Funz) I have a webdatagrid and a button.

The WebTab loads three aspx pages: menu1.aspx / menu2.aspx 3 menu3.aspx.

Clicking on the button, in addition to the postback of the iframe (funz) I reached the page (menu2.aspx) inside Tab (2) and updated it by calling a javascript contained inside a page (menu2.aspx).

With infragistics version 10, in the button OnClick event (server side)  I updated some session variable and recorded a javascript:

<script language = "javascript" type = "text / javascript">

   function RefreshMenu2 () {

      var Menu2;    // content of menu2.aspx

     Menu2 = top.Menu.document.getElementById ("TabMenu_frame1");

     Menu2.contentWindow.RefreshCUS ();



The script ran the javascript RefreshCUS ()  (on menu2.aspx) which performed a _doPostback () and re-read the new session data by reconstructing a list. This function, in practice, was used to move selected records on a webdatagrid in an iframe to another webdatagrid on the other iframe. 

Now, with Infragistics 20.x I can no longer get the menu2.aspx page for call the javascript that it contains due to the new structure of WebTab.

Anyone have a suggestion?

Thank you