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WedDataGrid - Windows 11 shows no overlay scrollbars in Firefox

The WebDataGrid does not show the overlay scrollbars.

I can adjust Windows 11 settings to show the toolbars always, and then there is no problem.

Same in Firefox (after firefox restart that is) by setting '' to false.
However the default in firefox and Windows 11 results in the scrollbars not showing.

<ig:WebDataGrid ID="webdatagrid" runat="server" ClientIDMode="Static" HeaderCaptionCssClass="HeaderCaptionCssClass" ItemCssClass="itemClass" DefaultColumnWidth="90" Width="100%" Height="100%"
ViewStateMode="Disabled" EnableAjaxViewState="false" EnableDataViewState="false" AutoGenerateColumns="false" EnableAjax="false" CssClass="webdatagrid" Visible="false" />