I have a simple web page with a single button that brings up a WebDialogWindow. This works fine !!!
Now try putting a WebDateChooser control in the WebDialogWindow. Note the code is :-
<title>Dialog Test</title>
When I run this page in my browser, and click on the button, the WebDialogWindow appears with the blank (Null) WebDateChooser.
Now click on the drop down button to bring up the calendar section of the WebDateChooser, and nothing appears.
Close the WebDialogWindow, and lo and behold the calendar section is now visible !!!
Selecting the date causes the calendar to disappear.
Now again click the button to bring up the WebDialogWindow, and the WebDateChooser has the correct date that was selected above.
This interaction of dialog window and date selection is one which I would use a lot, but alas without a quick fix, looks like I will have to revert to using other controls.
Note I am using the latest 2008 V1 version of NetAdvantage, and VS 2008 (full version, not RTM etc).
Any idea why this is happening ?
I think the calendar portion is being shown behind the dialog box. I am having the same problem. If your dialog window is small enough you should see it pop up. I am going to submit a support incident for it. I need it fixed quickly.
Yes, the problem is with the zorder !!!
I got a workaround for this problem from Tony Lombardo at Infragistics, and he has apparently submitted a bug report for this. The text (and code) of the email I got from Tony is shown below. The solution seems to work fine, and I now have several dialog windows with other Infragistics controls working perfectly'
<EMail from Tony Lombardo>
Been looking into this deeper. In my attempts I wasn't able to modify the z-index of the dialog window in a modal scenario, with out some script. The z-index that you set in CSS only applies for a non-modal scenario it looks like. I'm not sure if there's a bug here or if that's the intended behavior, but I've fired off a couple of emails to verify. Either way, here's a bit of trick javscript to force the dialog window to use a z-index that you want. It replaces one of the WebDialogWindow private functions which is generally a no-no, but until I find a better way to do this through the public API, the script below will have to suffice. I added mine to the pageLoad client-side function, so that it will get executed during the pageLoad event (fired by AJAX). The only thing you really need to modify is the line where you see zIndex=100. In the script included with the product this is 99999. function pageLoad(args){
$IG.DialogMoveBehavior.prototype._doZ=function(lid, elem, lidZ){ this._newZ = this._oldZ = $util.getStyleValue(null, 'zIndex', elem); if(!lidZ) lidZ = $util.toInt($util.getStyleValue(null, 'zIndex', lid), 0); if(lidZ < 10) lid.style.zIndex = lidZ = 100; //z-index will default to 100 in a modal scenario if($util.toInt(this._oldZ, 0) <= lidZ) elem.style.zIndex = this._newZ = lidZ + 1; return lidZ;};
<End of EMail>
Hope this provides a quickfix for your problems !! (Thank Tony, not me)
the temporary fix worked for me but i'm curious whether there is a planned permanent fix for this and/or if it's been assigned a tracking number of some sort within infragistic's bug tracking database ? thanks
Thank you for reporting an issue. That was fixed around March 2008. Please update NetAdvantage with latest hot fix.