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No datarows showing in WebDataGrid

Hi I am new to using the Infragistics controls, just trying out with the WebDataGrid.

I am dynamically populating the WebDataGrid by setting the DataSource to a asp:DataTable.

Assembly Version - Infragistics35.Web.v10.3, Version=10.3.20103.1013

DataTable dataTable;

dataTable = CreateColumns(xmetadatadoc, dataTable);     //Dynamically populates the columns
dataTable = BuildDataSource(xresultsdoc, dataTable);    //Dynamically populates the rows

webDataGrid.DataSource = dataTable;

After the databind, I see no records showing in the page. Only the header and footer rows are shown.

Can someone help with this?

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  • 315
    Verified Answer

    I got it working now. I missed populating the Columns into the WebDataGrid control. Hope this helps someone....

    DataTable dataTable;

    dataTable = CreateColumns(xmetadatadoc, dataTable);     //Dynamically populates the columns

    for (int i = 0; i < dataTable.Columns.Count; i++)        //Populate DataTable columns into WebDataGrid
             this.AddColumns(dataTable)                              //AddColumn is provate method loops through all columns in the dataTable and adds them as BoundDataField to the WebDataGrid

    dataTable = BuildDataSource(xresultsdoc, dataTable);    //Dynamically populates the rows

    webDataGrid.DataSource = dataTable;


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