I've been using the UltraWebGrid and populating it through code for over 6 years. Is there any
documentation on how to map the UltraWebGrid features to the WebDataGrid???
am not abale to bind webcombo to ultrawebgrid 2013 vs 10.3. please how can i do that.
Hello legalke,
Let me know if you need further assistance with this question.
“WebDataGrid” uses CSS classes for styling its elements. You can change the color of the needed cell like this:
<style type="text/css">
tbody > tr > td.CellsStyle
And in Code-Behind (InitializeRow event):
e.Row.Items(0).CssClass = "CellsStyle";
This code will change the background color of all cells in the first column to “Red”.
More about styling of the “WebDataGrid” you can read here - http://community.infragistics.com/blogs/engineering/archive/2010/08/25/webdatagrid-css-styling-guide.aspx
I have attached the InitializeRow handler via the designer. But the code I put into the handler doesn't seem to fire
).Style.BackColor = Drawing.Color.Aqua
End Sub
In the code snippet above if the "Location" field is AZ I want to set the backcolor to Aqua. What am I doing wrong?
Hi legalke,
For the InitializeRow, you can just attach that handler from the designer or in the code behind in page load.
this.WHDG1.InitalizeRow += ...
As for your last issue. What are you doing when you 'change the value of that field'. Do you mean in the rows? You need to make sure you've data bound. The WHDG has no completely unbound mode as the UWG did. Even if you had all unbound columns, the rows are determined by what is bound to the data source.
Dave Y.