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how to add new row to child band ?


I have created a WebHierarchialDataGrid with a child band. Both the AutoGenerateColumns and AutoGenerateBands are false.

The Markup code for the child band is as follows:






<ig:Band AutoGenerateColumns="false" Width="400px" DataKeyFields="intRowID,intEOL_ItemID"> 


<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="intEOL_ItemID" Key="intEOL_ItemID" Width="0%" Hidden="true">

<Header Text="EOL Item Id" />


<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="intRowID" Key="intRowID" Header-Text="Row ID" Width="0%" Hidden="true"></ig:BoundDataField>

<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="intProductID" Key="intProductID" Width="0%" Header-Text="Product ID" Hidden="true"></ig:BoundDataField>

<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="vchProductPartNumber" Key="vchProductPartNumber" Header-Text="Product"></ig:BoundDataField>



<ig:EditingCore EnableInheritance="true">


<ig:RowAdding Alignment="Bottom" EnableInheritance="true">







I am facing the following error while expanding the parent row:

Is there any other way to enable the 'RowAdding' feature for the child band ?