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Test automation on NetAdvantage Web UI controls

We have a lot of NetAdvantage Web UI controls in our UI.

We are now trying to automate tests on our UI. We have the big blocker, no existing software testing tools can test Infragistics web controls. Is it right?

Infragistics' TestAdvantage can only work on Windows forms no ASP.NET.

Please advice.





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    Test automation on NetAdvantage Web UI controls:

    Some important Software Testing tools used to test the performance, load and stress of the web application. These tools ensure that your web application will run under high performance and less load & stress.

    1. WebLOAD
    2. Apache JMeter
    3. NeoLoad
    4. LoadRunner
    5. LoadUI
    6. Loadster
    7. Load impact
    8. Wapt
    9. Qtest
    10. Telerik test studio
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