Hi everybody
I research how to implement a search client side on the webdatagrid.
Anyone has already done that ?
How ? I would like search a tesxt on all rows and columns grid.
Hi Jean-Philippe,
If you are going to implement a client side search, please keep in mind that the data on the client may not be the full data that is found in the datasource if Paging or VirtualScrolling behavior is enable. If you need to walk all the rows and cells of the grid, you can do it in the following way:
function walkAllGridData()
var grid = $find("WDGNursingNotes");
var rows = grid.get_rows();
for (var i = 0; i < rows.get_length(); i++)
var row = rows.get_row(i);
var cellsCount = row.get_cellCount();
for (var j = 0; j < cellsCount; j++)
var cell = row.get_cell(j);
var cellVal = cell.get_value();
var cellText = cell.get_text();
Thank You,
ASP.NET Principal Software Engineer
Infragistics, Inc.
Hello Jean-Philippe,
Can I be of more help to you regarding this issue?