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Number filter error


With WebHierarchichalDataGrid, I have a number column. When in the column, I have for example "53.2" and decimal digit is "." in the CurrentCulture, it works, but

when in the CurrentCulture, the NumberFormat have the decimal digit ","(GroupSeparator is ".") and the column value is "53,2" the filter doesn't works, However

in the server DataFiltering event in both cases the Condition value is correct, is 53.2(double)

The EnableScriptGlobalization property of ScriptManager is true

  • 49378

    Hello alfmag,

    Thank you for posting in the community !

    Please note that this scenario requires the WDG's column in question type to be explicitly set to System.Double, as well as the column type in the datasource to be explicitly defined as numeric. I am attaching a sample illustrating this scenario in practice.

    There is a known issue preventing the sorting of numeric columns as in the described scenario (tfs 135539) which has been resolved in the latest SRs for 12.1,12.2,13.1 and 13.2 of NetAdvantage for ASP.NET. If you are not using the latest SR of one of these versions, I would suggest upgrading to avoid any issues.

    Hope this helps. Do not hesitate to contact me with any updates or questions.
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