I am converting Infragistics 2010 v2 CLR3.5 to Infragistics 2014 v2 using 4.5 CLR using Visual Studio 2013 Professional Update 4. I am getting following error while building the project. Please reply immediately..........
Error 295 'Infragistics.Web.UI.GridControls.GridField' does not contain a definition for 'FieldLen' and no extension method 'FieldLen' accepting a first argument of type 'Infragistics.Web.UI.GridControls.GridField' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Below is the error coming while fixing using WebDataGrid.........
GridRecordItem gCell = uGrid.Rows[i].Cells[j]; gCell.Style.Reset(); if (flgReplace && gCol.Index == j) //all the values without search { if (btnAction == "Find") gCell.Style.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 211, 137); flgNotFound = false; if (btnAction == "ReplaceAll" && gCell.IsEditable()) { bool checkType; if (replaceTxt.Length > gCell.Column.FieldLen) { //replaceTxt = replaceTxt.Substring(0,gCell.Column.FieldLen); alertMsg = "Replace With value exceeds the maximum allowable field length : " + gCell.Column.FieldLen; checkType = false; } else if (gCell.Column.DataType == "System.DateTime") { checkType = DMSCommon.CheckDate(replaceTxt); alertMsg = "Enter correct DateTime value"; } else if (gCell.Column.DataType == "NUMBER") { checkType = DMSCommon.IsNumeric(replaceTxt); alertMsg = "Enter correct Number value"; } else checkType = true; if (checkType) { gCell.Style.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 211, 137); gCell.Value = replaceTxt; StoreGridChanges(totalCol, gridID, uGrid.Rows[i], dt); cntModified++; } }
If you are trying to get the Column key, then you can use:
Although if you are trying to get the Cell Value of the particular Column, then you can use: