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When date in textbox changes so does the calendar.

I have a textbox that has a calendar control as part of the textbox so whenever you click in the textbox the calendar pops up. The problem is when the user changes the date to an invalid date the calendar shows "undefined NaN" (See Attachment). This happens even when the user is just deleting the year to change it.

The code is below...

class="date start" runat="server">

src="~/Images/calendar_icon.png" style="width: 20px; height: 20px; vertical-align: top; display: none;" />
CssClass="calendar" EnableMonthDropDown="True" EnableWeekNumbers="true"
EnableYearDropDown="True" StyleSetName="Default" swidth="100px" Style="z-index: 10000; position: absolute; display: none;">

How do I allow the user to manually change the date but not show the new date in the calendar until they hit enter? They also need to be able to select the date from the calendar and populate the textbox.

