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WebDataGrid- Pass Custom Arguments to Client Side Events


               My application runs in mulitple user controls rendered under a parent web page. Each user control has web datagrid rendered inside it and the web datagrid uses client side events. Some of these client side events uses 

$find("<%= Me.grdDataTable.ClientID%>") to fetch the WebDataGrid dom in the user control.

Going forward I would like to manage all the client side events and custom javascript functions inside one javascript file which is included in the parent page instead of at user control level. I am planning to pass grdDataTable.ClientID to each of these client side events and custom javascript functions, so that the $find can use this client id input argument to find the appropriate dom element.

But I am seeing the infragistics client side events are using specific arguments as input to it as in eg:

  • RowSelection_Changed(webDataGrid, evntArgs)
  • RowEditing_EnteringEditMode(sender, e)
  • EditingEvents_RowAdding(sender, e)
  • ClientEvents_Initialize()

Is there a way to pass Client Id to these event methods as an input argument?

